Overwhelm with Where to Start?
Discover How To Easily Determine the Division of Rhythm & Rests!
♪ Introduction to Time Signatures
♪ Simple Time - Basic Beat & Pulse
♪ Compound Time - Dotted Rests & Why
♪ Hybrid Time - Dotted & Undotted Groups
Watch The Video To See How It Works♪ PREPARATORY RUDIMENTS - Intro to Time Signatures, Basic Beat & Pulse
Proven Step-by-Step System to Easily Learn and Understand Rhythm
♪ BASIC RUDIMENTS - Simple Time, Rest Placements, Rest Rules & Whole Rest Rules
In Simple Time each group is equal to a single (undotted) note.
Rhythm (from the Greek word rhythmos) is a movement marked by a succession of the dynamics of strong and weak elements or musical sounds and silences.
♪ INTERMEDIATE RUDIMENTS - Compound Time Groups, Dotted Pulse & Combining Rests
In Compound Time each group is equal to a single dotted note.
Strong and weak beats are fundamental to the pulse of the rhythm. Rhythm is the length of sound or silence (long or short) that the beat creates. Groups of rests are written differently.
♪ ADVANCED RUDIMENTS - Hybrid Time, Dotted & Undotted Rests, Basic Beat & Pulse
In Hybrid Time each group is equal to a single (undotted) note or a dotted note.
Rhythm in music may begin with an “upbeat” or a “downbeat”. Rhythm may be “on” the beat or “off” the beat. Understanding Beat vs. Pulse is the key to learning Rhythm & Rests.
This Professional Development will have a powerful impact on your personal pathway to success.
Discover 4 Effective Ways To Teach Rhythm & Rests to Create Your Teaching Success Today!
YES, I WANT TO GET STARTED RIGHT NOW! ONLY $49 INSTANT ACCESS"Taking the Ultimate Music Theory Course has been such a refreshing introduction to a new way of teaching theory!
All of the concepts have been laid out in
a clear, concise manner.
Thank you so much for sharing your program!"
~ Suzanne Greer UMTC, NCTM, Piano Teacher & Performer,
with Course Creator Glory St. Germain